Friday, December 27, 2019

The Legacy Of Theodore Roosevelt - 800 Words

Theodore Roosevelt was born October 27, 1858, and grew up in New York City, the second of four children. His father, Theodore, Sr., was a well-to-do businessman and philanthropist. His mother, Martha â€Å"Mittie† Roosevelt, was a Southerner, raised on a plantation in Georgia. At Harvard, Teddy studied natural science but soon developed an interest in politics. After he graduated from Harvard in 1880, he decided to go to Columbia Law School to study law. After just a short year he dropped out of law school to further his career in politics. A double tragedy struck Roosevelt in 1884. On February 12th, his wife gave birth to a daughter. Two days after Teddy’s daughter was born, his mother died of typhoid fever and his wife died of kidney disease†¦show more content†¦Teddy has more than double the amount of electoral votes than Alton B. Parker and a close race in the popular vote with Teddy hardly scraping by in the election of 1904. Teddy brought the White House a new idea that the president should be in control over all others. He also believed that Congress should only be making decisions that the people wanted and anything that could be taken as selfish or not correct in his eyes was wrong and would not be tolerated. The population of the United States had almost doubled from 1870 to 1900 as immigrants came to U.S. cities to work in the country s burgeoning factories. As the United States became increasingly urban and industrial, it acquired many of the attributes common to industrial nations—overcrowded cities, poor working conditions, great economic disparity, and the political dominance of big business. Russia and Japan had endured several years of disputes over control of Manchuria. The Russians had entered the region during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–95 and, along with Germany and France, was a part of the â€Å"Triple Intervention† that forced Japan to give up its demands for ports in South Manchuria and th e Liaodong Peninsula in the wake of its victory in China. Teddy thought that the President had the right to use any and all powers unless they were specifically denied to him. He believed that as President, he had a unique relationship with and responsibility to the people, and thereforeShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of President Theodore Roosevelt1068 Words   |  5 PagesOf our 45 presidents, Theodore Roosevelt is not one that will be easily forgotten. During his time, his accomplishments wrought a change in the United States, and are still impacting us today, even long after his death. Among his many notable feats, many consider his conservation efforts specifically to be his legacy. He had a love and passion for nature, and he even became a permanent fixture of nature when his face was carved into a wall of rock, as one of the four presidents of Mount RushmoreRead MoreThe Legacy Of Theodore Roosevelt1001 Words   |  5 Pagesbackground. Theodore roosevelt, I can honestly say was one of the the most influential and active presidents we ve ever been graced to have. Being the voice of the people, aided our country in environmental concerns, Excelling in foreign policies and winning the nobel peace prize. He had an incredibly fulfilling and prosperous life. Theodore Roosevelt was one of most dynamic Presidents in all of American history. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27, 1858, in New York City, to Theodore RooseveltRead MoreThe Legacy Of Theodore Roosevelt1876 Words   |  8 Pages Theodore Roosevelt, born on October 27, 1858 on East 20th Street in New York City, New York, was a powerful man who had many powerful influences. He was a leader to a country, a son of two parents, a brother to three siblings, a husband to a wife, and father to six children. But before Mr.Roosevelt did have the chance to make his influences, he had his childhood first. As said before, Roosevelt was the son of two parents, Martha and Theodore Roosevelt, in fact, Theodore Jr. was actually calledRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt s Legacy Of The National Park System And The Preservation Of Many Natural Wonders That914 Words   |  4 Pagesscandal. Only a select few are considered great by the citizens they ruled. Theodore Roosevelt is one of those outstanding presidents. He possessed an unshakable resolve, even as a young boy. His bravery made him a war hero and a force to be reckoned with. His environmental concerns led to the creation of the National Park system and the preservation of many natural wonders that Teddy treasured. 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DueRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt And The Roosevelt Center989 Words   |  4 PagesTheodore Roosevelt during his life would spend time in North Dakota to hunt buffalo and settled in a ranch there for some years as he found a renowned interest in the area he called his â€Å"second home†. In 2005, Dickinson State University (DSU) began to explore the legacy of the 26th President as a tribute to his historical legacy and admiration to the territory that the university resides today. As a result the Theodore Roosevelt Center was founded in 2007 at the university. In essence the TheodoreRead MoreGerstle s Historiographical Of Mainstream Americanism1327 Words   |  6 Pagesmuch lesser extent, or even not at all, class and gender). The American Crucible conceptualizes American liberals as well as whiteness scholars’ synthetic historiographical interpretations on mainstream Americanism like Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt- Theodore Roosevelt especially, due the author’s attention to the meaning of the liberal state and liberalism. However, above all that, Gerstle argues that inherent tensions between two powerful types of nationalism- racial and civic- haveRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt And The Cuban War1086 Words   |  5 Pageshistory is Theodore Roosevelt. During his life, he made a great impact on America. Roosevelt was the 26th president and fought in the Spanish-American War, also known as the Cuban War. He was the most influential person who supported the completion of construction of the Panama Canal. One of the first and most important National Parks, Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota, was named after him too. During his presidency, he inspired many. If it was not for Theodore Roosevelt, our societyRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt, President Of The United States932 Words   |  4 PagesTheodore Roosevelt is the twenty-si xth president of the United States. He inherits the presidency due to the assassination of the former president, William Mckinley. One thing that stood out the most about President Roosevelt was that he had quite the overwhelming presence. To capture how people felt in his presence, Edmund Morris, the author of â€Å"Currents of the Progressive Era: Theodore Roosevelt, President,† (a chapter from the book entitled Portrait of America) writes that â€Å"people actually tingledRead MoreThe Achievements Of Theodore Roosevelt1590 Words   |  7 Pagesimportant people in American history is Theodore Roosevelt. He is considered to be one of the most efficient and successful presidents to ever hold office. The achievements that he accomplished during his life will most likely never be equaled. He went from being a husband and father to being a soldier to becoming president of the United States. Along with contributing to his time period, his legacy continued and went on to influen ce other great presidents. Roosevelt also helped society in general and

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Human Resource Management At Higher Corporate Levels

Over the years, it has been questioned by organizations as to whether Human Resource (HR)’s contribution adds any value to the companies’ performance. A trend in society today shows that businesses have been spreading out their HR responsibilities from those at a higher corporate level down to lower level departments, thus indicating that HR does not add much value at higher corporate levels. Similarly, there have also been trends in businesses outsourcing their HR activities to HR service providers. In doing so, this allows for greater efficiency and performance from personnel within the business as HR responsibilities have been eliminated from these business areas. This may also be beneficial for companies, where costs are required to be cut down. Recently, a revolution has been made by the Information Technology (IT), as managers and staff have been provided with equipment like web-based technologies that could enable them to gain entry to the vast HR information glo bally. In Fact, an application of IT to facilitate HR connections and activities could be named as electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM). Therefore, HRO and e-HRM both can support HR functions. In this report, the concept of outsourcing and types of HR activities to be outsourced will be explained firstly. In the second paragraph, beneficial outcomes and detrimental results of subcontracting HR duties is going to discuss. Then, e-HRM and its role in outsourcing will be described. RecommendationsShow MoreRelatedInfluence Of Organizational Culture On Corporate Performance746 Words   |  3 Pagesthrough which leadership influences various performance outcomes. Human Resource Management Organizational culture affects corporate performance. Corporate culture is a deeply embedded form of social control that influences employee decisions and behavior. Culture is persistent and operates unintentionally. 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International mobility its new forms, increased global talents hunting are the two perspectives of GTM. GTM discusses and considered primarily about the mechanisms and following the willingness to enter the emerging markets using organisational ability to maintain or managing the talents. These issues addressed or shows when once the new corporate roles have identified. GTMRead MoreM S Case Analysis Essay1528 Words   |  7 PagesThe aspect of Human Resource Management is conside red to be imperative in the process of effective business management and for accomplishment of business goals. Owing to the growing complexities and challenges in the global business sector it has become all the more crucial for the business organization like MS to strengthen its management system of human assets to ensure the business competencies. 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Our products allow us to enter into multiple and diverse arenas such as: genetics, power generation, and satellites. Corporate Background Information The Flopping Fish, Inc. was incorporated in Central Pennsylvania in 1995 through the separation of a sensor monopoly. The monopoly wasRead MoreTop Three Levels Of Management Essay1585 Words   |  7 PagesThe top three levels of management in an organization can be categorized in multiple formats: top-middle-low, corporate-departmental-supervisory, and executive-tactical-organizational and some. Whichever naming convention one prefers, the basic roles and responsibilities are the same; top level managers focus on the organization as a whole; middle level managers focus on specific business units, product lines or departments; low level managers focus on an office, installation, or facility, and haveRead MoreThe Success Of A Company1706 Words   |  7 Pagesassociated to finish work. Select Few may be a staffing firm placed in sharer, Georgia. The corporate provides work force solutions for many businesses within the Savannah/Hilton Head space. Services embrace however not restricted to temporary staffing, temporary-to-hire, and direct rent services. The corporate operates underneath the leadership of a CEO. The decision-making method involves all levels of management, however the CEO has the authority to form the ultimate call for the organization. OrganizationRead MoreThe And Glass Ceiling Is Real1561 Words   |  7 Pagesinfiltrating their management positions. Men have created glass ceilings for women in the workplace. A glass ceiling is an artificial barrier that allows women to see the top of the corporate ladder, but at the same time denies them access to the higher rungs of that ladder. Women keep hitting their heads on the glass ceiling until they develop so many knots on their heads that eventually they give up on their goals and ambitions Do men Know better? 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Project Vision Document on Electronic Health Record

Question: Discuss about the Project Vision Document on Electronic Health Record. Answer: This project is concentrating on the implementation process of My Health Records involved within the Australian marketplaces. In contrast with these facts involved within the concerned project, there is significant area of interest for managing the health care providences to the Australian citizens those are interested in recording or keeping check on their health conditions. This project is planned to provide effective health monitoring system to the individuals of Australia. The project outcomes are concerned with the regulations provided by Australian government that offers effective structure for collecting healthcare data and information about health conditions of Australian residents within the country. This project will result into the implementation of health recording system within Australia. The Australian citizen can easily monitor and view their health condition details with respect to various functional measures. Functionalities and Technologies Functionality: There are various functional measures included within the system of healthcare monitoring. This helps in keep records of health conditions involved within the patients situation. In contrast with these facts, this healthcare monitoring and record keeping system provides effective decisional support to the healthcare institutions with respect to the conditions of the patients. Technology: Digital formatting, reminder system, cloud access, data servers, electronic operational systems are used for electronic record keeping system. These technologies are helpful in providing various critical aspects such as decisional support, effective data monitoring and record keeping options. These are one helpful element for making the electronic record keeping systems. In contrast with the context of project, the target audiences should be two age group people. These are adult and aged people. These two groups of people mainly faces various critical health conditions that needs be monitored with respect to various critical measures. Electronic healthcare monitoring system allows monitoring and tracking opportunity to these people. There are various critical aspects and measures that are concerned with the health condition monitoring system for individual of Australia. In contrast with these aspects, there are various critical problems associated with in this project. These problems are being elaborated as follows: Data theft: Data thefts are main concern for the health record monitoring system within organizations (Nguyen, Bellucci Nguyen, 2014). The medical data are stored within the cloud that includes security threats within the system architecture. Identity theft: Identity theft is another option that offers effective threat to the patients as the personal data as well as the condition of health can be shared with third party. This aspect introduces threats to individual. Lack of support for aged patients: In case of the aged patients, there are no care providences involved within this project concept, therefore, this aspect is also another problem identified within this project vision document. Apart from various critical challenges and negative impacts of the concerned project, there are various capabilities involved within the project. In contrast with these facts, some of the capabilities are being elaborated as follows: Health recording system: Health record keeping and monitoring is one of the capability of the project and this satisfies the process of identifying key benefits of this concerned project (Vedanthan et al., 2015). Decisional support: The health record keeping system provides support to the users as well as to the system heads in taking effective decision making perspectives. Query management: Query management system is another key capability of the concerned project (Nguyen, Bellucci Nguyen, 2014). This project provides effective support to the users as well as system heads. In contrast with various challenges and capabilities of the concerned project, there are various benefits of electronic health recording system. In contrast with these facts, the benefits of this system architecture are being elaborated as follows: Improvised healthcare: Improvised healthcare is considered while managing the records of healthcare conditions (Beach Oates, 2014). In contrast with these facts, there are various critical aspects that need to be managed with respect to conditions. Improvised cost structure: Electronic health recording system provides improvised and effective healthcare to the users and system heads (Aldosari, 2014). Better clinical decision making: Better clinical decision making processes are concerned with the effective data keeping systems. Therefore, better clinical decision making perspective is clear with these data. The electronic health record keeping system provides effective decisional support to the patients or concerned people. References Aldosari, B. (2014). Rates, levels, and determinants of electronic health record system adoption: A study of hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.International journal of medical informatics,83(5), 330-342. Beach, J., Oates, J. (2014). Maintaining best practice in record-keeping and documentation.Nursing Standard,28(36), 45-50. DesRoches, C. M., Charles, D., Furukawa, M. F., Joshi, M. S., Kralovec, P., Mostashari, F., ... Jha, A. K. (2013). Adoption of electronic health records grows rapidly, but fewer than half of US hospitals had at least a basic system in 2012.Health Affairs, 10-1377. Nguyen, L., Bellucci, E., Nguyen, L. T. (2014). Electronic health records implementation: an evaluation of information system impact and contingency factors.International journal of medical informatics,83(11), 779-796. Packaln, S. (2015). Functional classification: Record-keeping professionals difficulties and their handling in maintenance and use of FC in Finnish organisations.Records Management Journal,25(2), 166-182. Vedanthan, R., Blank, E., Tuikong, N., Kamano, J., Misoi, L., Tulienge, D., ... Were, M. C. (2015). Usability and feasibility of a tablet-based Decision-Support and Integrated Record-keeping (DESIRE) tool in the nurse management of hypertension in rural western Kenya.International journal of medical informatics,84(3), 207-219.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

John Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th President Of The United States, The Essay

John Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th president of the United States, the youngest person ever to be elected president. He was also the first Roman Catholic president and the first president to be born in the 20th century. Kennedy was assassinated before he completed his third year as president. Therefore his achievements were limited. Nevertheless, his influence was worldwide, and his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis may have prevented war. Young people especially liked him. No other president was so popular. He brought to the presidency an awareness of the cultural and historical traditions of the United States. Because Kennedy expressed the values of 20th-century America, his presidency was important beyond its political achievements. John Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was the second of nine children. Kennedy announced his candidacy early in 1960. By the time the Democratic National Convention opened in July, he had won seven primary victories. His most important had been in West Virginia, where he proved that a Roman Catholic could win in a predominantly Protestant state. When the convention opened, it appeared that Kennedy's only serious challenge for the nomination would come from the Senate majority leader, Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. However, Johnson was strong only among Southern delegates. Kennedy won the nomination on the first ballot and then persuaded Johnson to become his running mate. Two weeks later the Republicans nominated Vice President Richard Nixon for president and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., who was ambassador to the United Nations and whom Kennedy had defeated for the Senate in 1952, for vice president. In the fast-paced campaign that followed, Kennedy made stops in 46 states and 273 cities and towns, while Nixon visited every state and 170 urban areas. Another important element of the campaign was the support Kennedy received from blacks in important Northern states, especially Illinois and Pennsylvania. They supported him in part because he and Robert Kennedy had tried to get the release of the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. King, who had been jailed for taking part in a civil rights demonstration in Georgia, was released soon afterward. The election drew a record 69 million voters to the polls, but Kennedy won by only 113,000 votes. Kennedy was inaugurated on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address he emphasized America's revolutionary heritage. 2"The same beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe," Kennedy said. 3"Let the word go forth from this time and place to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americansborn in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritageand unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed and to which we are committed today at home and around the world." Kennedy challenged Americans to assume the burden of "defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger." The words of his address were, 4"Ask not what your country can do for youask what you can do for your country." Kennedy sought with considerable success to attract brilliant young people to government service. His hope was to bring new ideas and new methods into the executive branch. As a result many of his advisers were teachers and scholars. Among them were McGeorge Bundy and Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., both graduates of Harvard. Kennedy's most influential adviser was Theodore C. Sorenson, a member of Kennedy's staff since his days in the Senate. Sorenson wrote many of Kennedy's speeches and exerted a strong influence on Kennedy's development as a political liberal, 5 a person who believes that the government should directly help people to overcome poverty or social discrimination. The president and Mrs. Kennedy attempted to make the White House the cultural center of the nation. Writers, artists, poets, scientists, and musicians were frequent dinner guests. On one occasion the Kennedy's held a reception for all the American winners of the Nobel Prize, people who made outstanding contributions to their field during the past year. At the party the president suggested that more talent and genius was at the White House that night than there had been since Thomas Jefferson had last dined there alone. At a meeting with the leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Nikita Khrushchev, Kennedy asked the name of a medal Khrushchev was wearing. When the premier identified it as the Lenin Peace Medal, Kennedy remarked, 6"I hope you keep it." On another occasion he told a group of Republican business leaders, 7"It would be premature to ask for your

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gonorrhea Essays (346 words) - Infectious Causes Of Cancer

Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is an infectious sexually transmitted disease. This disease involves the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract. Gonorrhea is much more obvious in males because they develop an acute discharge of pus from the urethra. Scarce when it starts, it becomes thicker and heavier and causes frequent urination. When urination takes place, there will be a burning sensation. If the prostate becomes infected, the passage of urine is partly obstructed. In females the infection occurs in the urethra, the vagina, or the cervix. Although discharge and irritation of the vaginal mucous membranes may be severe. Nearly few or no early symptoms will appear. Gonorrhea is diagnosed by staining a smear of the discharge to expose the bacteria. Treatment in the early stages is usually effective. If the disease is untreated in the male, the early symptoms may subside, but the infection may spread to the testicles causing sterility. In the untreated female the infection usually spreads from the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease. Severe pain may occur, or the infection may stay behind with few or no symptoms. While doing this, it will be gradually damaging the tubes and leaving the woman sterile. In both sexes the gonococcus may enter the bloodstream, resulting in arthritis, heart inflammation, or other diseases. Gonorrhea in pregnant women may be transmitted to the infant during birth and may, if untreated, cause a serious eye infection. Penicillin is commonly used against gonorrhea, although over the years an increasing number of penicillin resistant strains have been found. Other effective antibiotics are tetracycline, spectinomycin, and the newer ones called cephalosporins. One antibiotic called ceftriaxone can cure uncomplicated gonorrhea, including infections resistant to penicillin, with a single injection. Gonorrhea increased greatly in the U.S. almost reaching epidemic proportions in adolescents and young adults. In most large cities clinics have been established where young people can get treatment. One of the most difficult tasks in controlling gonorrhea is locating all recent sexual contacts of an infected person in order to prevent further spread of the disease. Human Sexuality

Sunday, November 24, 2019

10 Facts on White Collar Crime for a Research Paper

10 Facts on White Collar Crime for a Research Paper White Collar crimes are financial crimes which are non-violent in nature and crimes that fall under this category are usually committed by personnel working in business or governmental organizations. Despite their non-violent nature, do you know that corporate crime in the United States causes far more damage than all the street crimes combined together? For those who dont know and are in need of hard facts, here are some statistics on white collar crime and its effects to the global community. Corporate crime results in more collateral damage than all the street crimes such as robbery, individual credit card scams, and burglary incidents if classified under one category. Putting numbers to this fact, the FBI crimes statistics unit estimates the financial losses from street crimes to approximately $3.8billion yearly while losses from corporate crime from only the healthcare industry, amount to approximately $100 to $400billion yearly. The Saving and Loans crisis which affected the Federal Savings and Loans Insurance corporation and the Resolution Trust Corporation racked up an unprecedented 400 to 500 billion dollar loss as well as the failure of a third 1043 of the 3234 savings/loans association in the United States. Corporate crimes lead to violent crimes in many situations and here are the numbers to back it up. The FBI states approximately 16000 people die yearly as a result of direct violence done to their person while approximately 56000 people die due to work related incidents or occupational diseases such as black lung cancer. It is important to note that this figure does not take into consideration the thousands that die from hospital malpractice, and hazardous consumer products or bureaucratic negligence. The publics perception of white collar crime places it as a crime more serious than Car theft but far less serious than murder. A survey conducted in 2005 by NW3C Group gives a clearer picture on how corporate crime is perceived in the US. To better understand the survey, here are the parameters used: A scale of 0 to 7 was used as the measurement scale, with 0 representing not serious while 7 represented very serious The survey saw car theft rated as the least serious crime at 4 while murder was the most serious offense at 6.89. According to the survey, corporate crime was more serious than Car theft but somewhat less serious than murder. The respective scores for the different types of white collar crimes where: Deliberately Omitting Safety Reports at 6.18 Insurance fraud at 5.83 Hacking into corporate databases at 5.6 and Embezzlement at 5.18. White collar crime arrests also spring a few surprises when one considers the percentage it contributes to the overall population arrested in the United States. Statistics from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) show you that out of the 14.1million arrests processed across 10,974 agencies, 458, 946 were related to corporate crime. Which means corporate crime amounted to approximately 3% of total arrests. Looking deeper into these numbers we have; 118, 455 arrested for forgery, 321,521 for fraud and 18,970 arrested for embezzlement. The white collar crime demographic in the United States has also been mapped out by the FBI and statistics show that the south contributes a larger percentage to white collar crime than any other region in the United States. These are the facts: An analysis of 10.4 million arrests through the country contained the following information; 37,328 arrested on forgery and counterfeiting were made in the south, the West accounted for 23,410 arrests, the Midwest 13,984 while the Northeast accounted for 12,624 arrests. Also, the numbers for fraud and embezzlement follow this pattern. For fraud; the south leads with 140,271 arrests, followed by the Midwest 34,401, the Northeast with 34,093 arrests and the West with 22,856. Statistics on white collar crime emanating from cities, suburbs and metropolitan areas create no surprises and buttresses the fact that white collar crime occurs predominantly in cities where more commercial and governmental agencies are located. The numbers show that from the 10.4 million arrests analyzed, 64,874 people were arrested for forgery and counterfeiting in cities, 34,552 from suburban areas while metropolitan areas made up 14,944 arrests in 2005. Statistics on fraud are also not different. Arrest on fraudulent crime in cities accounted for 120, 631 of the total number, suburban areas were close behind with 115,295, metropolitan areas had 70, 881 arrests while non-metropolitan areas experienced 40,209 arrests. Analyzing white collar crimes and offenders age group points out the fact that adults are the more active party participating in white collar crimes when compared to teenagers. This is to be expected due to the opportunities and access available to adults who work as professionals in corporate organizations. According to the FBI UCR, data from 1996 showed that 5,433 teenagers were arrested for forgery while 6,947 were arrested for fraud. This is in contrast to the 120,232 adults arrested for forgery and 150,245 arrested for fraud. Another interesting fact from the FBIs research on white collar crime showed that these criminal activities among teenagers sharply declined in later years. In 2005, only 2,600 people under 18 were arrested for forgery which was a 52.1% decline when compared to 1996 while the 2005 numbers for fraud was 4,779 which led to a corresponding decrease of 32.1% compared to 1996 figures. Comparing white collar crimes and offenders gender brings to light another unsurprising fact. Men are more likely to be involved with white collar crime than women. A 2013 review of white collar crimes in courts across the United States concentrated on 483 defendants taking part in 83 representative cases showed that: Less than one in ten offenders from the 483 defendants were women. All solo executed frauds were carried out by men. No case had ever involved an all-female conspiracy to commit white collar crime. All male groups were responsible for 75% of the cases while mixed-groups involving a female were responsible for a quarter of the cases reviewed. White collar crime in the real estate sector dominates every other sector in terms of financial losses. Data from the FBI UCR showed that the arrest rate for individuals associated with property crime was almost twice the number of those arrested for fraud forgery and embezzlement put together. Property crime led to the arrest of 635,500 offenders in 1997 through 1999, while fraud accounted for 131,500 cases, embezzlement 6,500 and forgery/counterfeiting 40,700. White collar fraud is poorly prosecuted in the United States and leads to lesser incarceration or jail time than crimes classified under street crime such as robbery, carjacking, murder, peddling banned substances etc. According to a 2015 report from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, 93.7% of inmates were convicted under crimes considered as street crimes while 0.3% were convicted under crimes considered to be white collar crimes. We hope that these facts get you up the speed with white collar crime. For more material on the subject be sure to check our 20 topics on white collar crime for research paper writing along with our guide on how to tackle such academic task. References: Russel, M. (2008). Soft on Crime. Wikipedia: The Savings and Loan Crisis. Rebekah, D. (2011). US White Collar Crime Policy too Soft. Gale Research. (2008). Crime, Prisons and Jails. Nicel, A. (2013). When the Gender Gap is a Good Thing: Women and Corporate Crime. FBI National Press Office. (2002). The Measurement of White Collar Crime Using Uniform Crime Reporting Data. Understanding White Collar Crime: Definitions, Extents and Consequences.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Religous Profile Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Religous Profile Report - Research Paper Example All the next Gurus worked on the teaching of Guru Nanak and developed the faith and trust of Sikhism over next four centuries and made the religious history of approximately 400 years. Fifth Guru, who was named guru Arjan complied the first holy book of Sikhism (BBC Religion). He also established the first estate â€Å"Amritser† for Sikh Community. All ten gurus devoted their lives for the establishment of the Sikh Religion due to their efforts. Sikhism is one of the fastest growing religion in the world. Belief about GOD: The concept of GOD in Sikhism is very clear. Sikh Community believes that there is only one GOD. He is the only creator of the entire Universe. Sikh community believes that GOD has not any specific gender. In addition, they believe that GOD can be accessed by everyone (BBC Religion). Equality: Equality is one the major beliefs of Sikhism. Teachers of Sikhism state that all the human beings are equal. All people have the same rights. None has any priority over other ( Other Beliefs: Sikhism aims to make the environment peaceful. Sikhism states that the truth is the key of all virtues. The religion encourages that truth and justice is a key for a peaceful life. The Sikhism also state that if a person wants to feel the pure feelings to GOD, then he must switch his attention from all other material things to only one GOD. That is the only way in which human achieves the maximum level of liberation. In addition, the teachings of the Guru Nanak also state that GOD does not have a gender and cannot be understood by everyone easily. Love and worship is the only way to know the real means of GOD. Sikhs believe that their own souls and hearts are the best tools to find the GOD. Sikhs believe that they can feel the real pleasure and travel on the way of liberation by avoiding certain things such as lust, anger, pride and attachment to the things in this world. The