Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Structural analysis design of tall building - MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss abou the Structural analysis design of the tall building. Answer: Introduction The report is based on the case study for the development of an information system in the Mercy Hospital. The system is for the automation of the pharmacy system in the hospital. The system has been named as Mercy Hospital Pharmacy system. This assignment is based on the system development of the project that had been proposed in the previous assignment. This report is the documentation of the finding that has been found from the collection of the different details about the system implementation. The report also consists of the working procedure of the Mercy Hospital Pharmacy system. The diagram presented is used for the proposing of the systems requirements as well as the process that the system would be able to perform. The process of system analysis and investigation is important for the understanding of the process to follow for the development of a system requested by the company. There are several process which can be followed for the process of investigation of a system and prepare a detailed report. The methods that has been used for the development of this system are as follows: Interview: The process of interview helps in the collection of information from the users who would be directly related to the working of the system when complete. The process is to talk face to face to the person who would be using the system and analyzing the result. The information collected is in the raw form. Document analysis: this process is the study of the system that is currently being followed by the company for the completion of the task, which is to be automated into a system. The analyst studies the system closely analyzing and recording the process that is being followed by the employees. At the end, the analyst studies the system and designs a system for the company. This process helps in the understanding of the process that is to be followed by the designer of the system. Questionnaire: this method of investigative analysis helps in the collection of crude data, which cannot be directly used without the use of proper analysis. The data is studied by the analyst and cleared out of the anomalies of the data that has been collected from the study group. The data helps in the understanding of the scenario, which is there in the company without much effort. Task 2A Figure 1: Use case diagram (Source: Created By Author) The use case diagram created for the case study shows the different users of the system who are going to use it. There are currently five users of the system: Doctors Nurses Pharmacy technician Pharmacy station Billing The complete system has been configured so that the system of drug acquisition can be easily completed and the relevant data stored in the system. The main cases that are there in the system are: Login Prescription Drugs Label Bottle the medicine Bill These has been considered the most important cases that are required for the proper functioning of the system. All users of the system would be able to login to the system and use the system as per their requirement. The system has been designed as per the case study. Task 2B Figure 2: Domain Class Model (Source: Created By Author) The domain class model shows the form of data that is to be stored in the database as per the system that is to be designed for the hospital. The designing of the database shows the data to be stored in seven tables which are as follows: Doctor Nurses Pharmacist Patient Prescription Drugs Bill Label The details that are to be stored in the entities can be classified as follows: Doctor (doctorID, name, address, phoneNo, specialty) Nurses (nurseID, name, address, phoneNo, specialty) Pharmacist (pharmID, name, address, phoneNo, type) Patient (patientID, name, address, phoneNo, doctorID) Prescription (presID, patientID, doctorID, drugList) Drugs (drugID, drugName, drugType) Bill (billID, patientID, drugType, drugAmount, cost) Label (labelID, patientID, drugType, dosage, expiryDate, instruction, billID). The connection in the diagram shows the information that is to be shared among the tables so that the information can stay constant in the system that has been created for the hospital. Task 2C The activity diagram is based on a specific scenario from the case study. The scenario presented for the activity diagram is such that the doctor is writing a prescription for the patient and sending it to the pharmacy. The pharmacy technician reviews the prescription and forwards it to the appropriate station in the pharmacy for the bottling of the medicine. The medicine after bottling is again reviewed by the technician at the pharmacy. It is then sent for the labeling of the bottle. After the bottle has been labeled it is sent to the billing department and then finally to the patient. The complete activity has been depicted in the diagram as per the case study and the scenario provided. Task 2D Figure 4: Sequence diagram (Source: Created By Author) The system sequence diagram is used for the showing the flow of the work in the system so that the work may be completed in the least amount of time. The scenario presented for this diagram is the writing of a prescription by the doctor and sending it to the pharmacy. The diagram shows the process that is followed by the system as per the case study that has been provided for the report. Conclusions Based on the above report is can be concluded that the Mercy Hospital Pharmacy system can be easily implemented in to the hospital with some minor changes to the present situation in the hospital. The diagrams shared in the report helps in the identification and the analysis of the process to follow for the development of the proposed system for the hospital. The detailed report would help the reader to assess the prospect required for the development of the system as well as the completion of the system as per the requirement of the hospital. Bibliography Antoniou, A., 2016.Digital signal processing. McGraw-Hill. Azar, A.T. and Vaidyanathan, S. eds., 2015.Chaos modeling and control systems design. Germany: Springer. Chitchyan, R., Rashid, A., Sawyer, P., Garcia, A., Alarcon, M.P., Bakker, J., Tekinerdogan, B., Clarke, S. and Jackson, A., 2015. 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